Tuesday, January 30, 2007

Simon's trip to Costa Rica

Building a cabin
Praying for the use of the cabin in dedication
Visiting volcano Poas
Traditional oxcart

Not everyone who wanders is lost.


Friday, January 26, 2007

Daffodils and tulips growing in pots in my kitchen against a backdrop of snow and cold through the window.

A son who insists on wearing shorts but who submits to the rule that says "if it's less than freezing you MUST wear pants outside!"

My own layers and layers of clothing.

A cat who takes over the warm couch spot the instant she sees someone getting up.

Coffee, tea and anything hot to drink!

But we love the sunshine when it comes and playing in the snow.

What will the next couple of months bring?

Tuesday, January 09, 2007

Waiting. Sure that something will happen.

The kids have waited for snow for so long. Little faces peering out the window, new snowshoes in hand. And now, it's snowing but they're still waiting for the snow to be deeper than their snowshoes.

I'm waiting for the coffee pot to finish brewing. Waiting for a promised email or phone call. Waiting. Sure that something will happen. Anxious that it won't or that it will be not what is expected and hoped for.

Learning to wait without the anxiety is a worthy goal. I've heard that being thankful in each and every moment in life--even the anxious times--helps. There is always something to be glad about. Pollyanna in this moment of the book is unable to see what there is to be glad about. But her friends are helping her. And since I read the book before my kids did I know that the result will be positive. Helping friends in our moments of helplessness is something to be glad about.

Didn't mean to moralize. I can tell you the reason for this theme though. Simon is in Costa Rica and I'm waiting for him to tell me what he's up to. He's helping out at a camp (not the one we worked at), building a cabin, updating a house, and generally trying to encourage those he comes into contact with.

He will plan another work trip towards the end of March. If anyone is interested, please contact us.

Wednesday, January 03, 2007


Christmas scrabble

K and M love scrabble. I joined in this time but I always lose. Oh well, at least the company's good. And they did deign to play Phase 10 with me.

Waiting for presents time: "But I've been waiting all day!"--we open our gifts Christmas Eve. A tradition passed down from our European ancestry.

Now we're home; it feels good. Still no snow on the ground and the kids are hoping for a snowstorm. The decorations are partly packed away, suitcases the same. In a few minutes we will run out the door to take care of EE (Essential Errands) so I'm thankful I've got a couple of minutes to put these pictures here.

Have a great day.