Friday, May 25, 2018

Today I am a bystander watching the struggle for life by a little boy I have come to love along with his family. This is super hard on many levels. Talk about understatement.

I am also watching a whole community love and support and pray for this boy as I am doing.

I am also experiencing that love and support from others as I have broken down in tears among friends who are also watching. I am grateful and sad and hurting and nowhere near understanding the full pain or any of the reasons. Waiting. Just waiting and praying with every breath.

Monday, March 05, 2018

a poem by Amaris

Spun bundles of sheep, 
speared with two short sticks,
tucked in a bag 
'til used again

In goes your hand, 
gently lifting the fiber and spears
Then short metal sticks 
softly go click

Woolen strands take a shape,
guided by the metal poles
Colours weave and twist,
forming a masterpiece

Soon the last row is finished,
The spears are removed,
and Voila! What appears?
Colourful socks spun by your very own hand