Sunday, June 11, 2006

So we have a computer that still is "being looked at." I managed to borrow one from a volunteer and am putting a lot of minutes on our internet account. But no pictures. Sorry. Hopefully the computer will either come back to life or the files will find their way onto something else to be reloaded onto the computer we'll have to buy. We'll let you know.

In the meantime I thought I'd let you in on my latest accomplishments. I can now drive a car in a foreign country, navigating through strange streets to a new destination while reading a map and talking on a cell phone. Ok, so the guy on the phone was talking me through the streets to make my way back onto the map that he had drawn for me. But still, I didn't even drop the phone while turning corners. And I didn't hit anyone or even veer to far off a straight line. Not that there are many straight lines around here....don't let me mislead you. I made it there and back! Simon obviously wasn't with me. He isn't directionally challenged.

However, he almost didn't make it onto the plane from England due to a passport mixup. He was travelling on his British passport and didn't have his Canadian with him to prove that he doesn't need a tourist visa to get into Canada. They let him on half an hour before his flight left.

The clouds are coming in late today but with a vengeance. If you've been to England in winter you can know what kind of weather we're having here in the mountains. We drink lots of coffee and tea to keep warm.

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