Monday, October 09, 2006

Happy Thanksgiving!

Satisfyingly stuffed with turkey and pie we have enjoyed a beautiful day. Friends, biking, and eating. Did I mention the mashed potatoes and gravy? It's what I make a roast for. So the kids don't like gravy...more for me! We often have turkey on Sunday instead of Monday. But we were given tickets to see Twelfth Night so enjoyed an afternoon of Shakespeare instead. Everyone enjoyed it. Thank you, L!

It's been a month at least since I've blogged. You of course know that. We are feeling somewhat settled back into Southern Ontario. Enjoying the colours of Fall. What fabulous phenomenons.

Strange to be back in some ways. Perfectly natural in others. Change seems to come more easily to us now. It doesn't carry the same shock value anymore and we're more accustomed to the feelings and signs of transition.

But what are we up to?

Well, we have found a house to rent for the winter. Friends have lovingly taken it off the market for us for this time. The majority of suitcases and boxes are unpacked or stored in the basement. We are flipping through all the possible options for the future. Regularly. We don't have anything more concrete than that. Sorry!

Time to put kids to bed. 'Night!

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