Saturday, March 24, 2007

I woke to the sound of DH crawling out of bed much earlier than usual on this rainy Saturday morning as he prepared to head into TO for a day of visioning with LAM. I later woke again to the sound of rain still pattering against the windows. Anticipating a slow morning's start due to a late night family movie I settled in to the cozy feeling of fresh coffee and a good book until the kids got up. Now nearly 3 hours later they've breakfasted and "computered" but not dressed yet. Time to get a move on. The ice cream bar has just re-opened for the season and despite the rain we plan on getting our first taste today.

I've been reading up a little on HTML. Hope to try some of it out here so be patient with me as I experiment with strange new ways of writing. So far I've just been following my assigned template. Should be fun!

Family members are all moving this next week. One to a new condo, one to a new city, one saying goodbye to a partner. All sudden changes. Makes me feel stable. At least we know that we don't know where we're going.

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