Saturday, April 28, 2007

Everything stops for the flyers. We're a sad lot.

Wet weather this week. We're all a bit stir crazy. So it was nice to get out for a drive this afternoon and then to see the sun come out. Ordered Chinese for supper. A last minute run to the library for a movie. We're all set.

Our no-house deadline is approaching and we're looking at options. So far the best option is a long-term reno project that would get us a nice looking house with "a piece of dirt" that would satisfy my gardening desire and the kids' running wishes. "Not big enough to play soccer", complains Cai. The ball will go into the farmer's field. We figure the only problem there is that it might get lost in the corn. Still talking with the banks and anyone who will listen. Even reno projects in the country cost money.

Meanwhile I'm trying to figure out what to start packing. Again. Is there any point at this point to try to organize the stuff first before I hide it away in a box? It's not like it's not all jumbled up and lost after these last 2 1/2 years of moving. By this time if I can't find something after the next move it'll almost be a relief. One less thing to deal with.

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