Wednesday, June 04, 2008

The crew are outside working on the chicken coop. I am inside working on packing. Our little holiday is being counted down and looked forward to by all. As I cooked my porridge this morning, I found myself daydreaming of what I would choose to eat in the restaurants.

School finished last Friday. We have all enjoyed late mornings and the lack of "have to" pressuring us to move on. We've all been a little bored too! A routine will make itself felt. At this point I don't feel like forcing it. We are all ready for a backing off from outside direction. (Read: Mom tells the kids what to do all the time and we're all, even Mom, tired of that.) Firm reminders though that: "Mom, I'm bored" will result in a chore. They're quick to learn and the comment has changed to: "I'm trying to decide what to do." So they build a chicken coop. Or they play games that they haven't played in months. Of course there are tons of books to read. And when it's not so windy they love to be outside. And Mommy likes to sit in a quiet, sunny corner with a good book and a coffee. Some things don't change.

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