Wednesday, January 14, 2009

Back to academic vs non-academic learning.

One child found a banana box and pulled apart lid and bottom. He was just being goofy with it, showing off to me and his sister. Within minutes, the two of them had the beginnings of a market, selling flour and apples. Only a few minutes later the last sibling caught on. Now, there is a full-blown market being set up in the kitchen. They have the stalls set up, with fruit nicely displayed and jams, jellies and pickles priced and lined up attractively. The third sibling will be a 'peddler' and carry his highly varied goods with him. They are now making money to use. How can this not count as a business class?

I will not break this up. But at what point will we start 'real school' today?

There is an interesting article written on this topic. I can only believe that the source of today's market world comes from our normal schoolday habits.

On a completely different note, I have started knitting. Nothing much--at all. I only know how to knit. I can't even purl yet. However, I've been enjoying reading this blog and I think my next project will be socks.

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