Sunday, May 31, 2009

The end of our school year has come. We finished up our work last Thursday and to celebrate we got up at 5:30 am on Friday morning to spend a day in the life of Ye Olde Village.

It's been a full month of May. Certainly not very warm overall and the wind has kept us strong. But I did take advantage of the few hot days and got the garden planted so I can now enjoy watching it grow. Unfortunately the weeds grow too. As a friend said yesterday: I can look at the chore of weeding as simply decluttering my garden. Makes it seem lighter.

Yesterday I was inspired by this friend and decluttered dandelions for two hours. 



Jennifer said...

Two hours! Oh, my dear, that's absolutely mindboggling!

I do like the 'decluttering the garden' concept, however I'll probably stick to 15 minute stretches. I guess I have a shorter attention span! :)

los cinco nomads said...

Jennifer, although it was good for the garden, I read an article years ago about Gardeners vs Yardeners that seems to suit me. Guess which I am: A gardener will plan to garden at a certain time and then do it and the garden always looks neat and tidy. A yardener will wander out to get the mail, see a few weeds next to the geraniums and two hours later have a large pile of weeds (since the weeding wasn't planned out there were lots to pick) but no mail.

Anonymous said...

Chucking over your comment above! Does the same concept apply to housework?

los cinco nomads said...

I'm sure it does, Becky! I think that's how I perfected the technique. Housework vs Mousework? sounds better than Lousework.