Saturday, August 15, 2009

I was told my blog is out of date. Sorry Calgary!

We have had sun this week and beautiful hot weather. We've eaten our first yellow cherry tomatoes the size of a marble. I'm hoping the next ripe ones will be bigger. Still enjoying peas, lettuce (a little bitter), swiss chard, kale and now kolhrabi and beans. The broccoli and tomatoes are coming. So are the Armenian cukes. The pumpkins are turning orange but the squash is a little slower. It's in a different plot.

I picked up Morton from the airport late last night. She's still sleeping. I'm going to start our breakfast pancakes. The kidlets are waiting patiently for her with their books, each ensconsed on a couch or chair. Pieman's chatting with his Dad who just had a birthday.

I've been referred to a learning languages page called LiveMocha. Looks good. Also a blog called The Linguist on Language. Look like fun.


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