Tuesday, February 10, 2009

A Tuesday morning. While I know that the outside temperature is mild, from my vantage point I still see white. But, the difference is my knowledge. I know that the whiteness is fog, not snow. I know that the snow has been melting. I know Spring is not really here, but I am different. I started running again, feeling that there was no reason to put my life on 'wait'. What a powerful statement that was inside me. I thought of the trips I could take to visit family, friends. I don't plan to leave my house when the physical cold makes me snowbound emotionally. Our chickens eagerly leave their coop in the morning to scratch around in the still frozen ground for bird food revealed by the melted snow. I feel like they do. Not the scratching around part! but the eagerness to leave their coop and explore. There is something in that still cold air that smells of newness, of life about to be revealed.

I made some waffles the other day. I am currently on the lookout for wheat-free options in my diet but giving up our Saturday morning pancakes is not to be thought of. So, when I was pointed to the waffle recipe on a friend's blog by another friend I was thrilled. The kids ate one waffle each--they're pretty filling. They deemed them a little too crunchy. But I froze the uneaten ones for my morning toast. Since the power went out just when I was cooking them and stayed out for over two hours I never finished cooking the remaining batter. Instead I popped it into the fridge when the power came back on and made pancakes on Saturday morning alongside the regular batch. Yum.

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