Wednesday, May 19, 2010

wedding day

One of the constants during the two weeks we stayed in our rented cottage was snooker. A mini table in the centre of the room provided the practice for what was coincidentally on the 'tele': the Snooker World Championship. At any time of the day we'd hear the clunk of balls and know that the boys were up. Then someone would ask about Robertson and Dott and we'd know that they'd been watching the championship. They had the lingo down and would talk about hitting it thin or thick.

It got even funnier to my non-snooker mind when on the wedding day I walked in to find most of the family, including the groom who had just stopped in for a little while, sitting, eating toast, watching the snooker, all dressed fully or partially in their finery.

However, to the church we did get and we were early to make sure. So was everyone else. A full 15 minutes before the ceremony started it seemed that the church was full and people restless and waiting. There came hush before the start. But even that was still with five minutes to go.
During the wait and the ceremony K2 and I shared the camera. He took some great photos including these flowers. I took the detail of the bridal gown which stopped just a couple feet from me since I had nearly front row seating and a perfect view.
The wedding was beautiful. The couple were aware of each other only and the building rang with the sounds of glory and honour to God for bringing them together. A picture perfect day in more ways than one since the rain held off until much later and the sun shone out. We felt honoured to be a part of it and humbled to have been able to make it, thanks to Dear Ones.

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