Friday, June 29, 2007

We got our house today!

We picked up our key with no problem. I even got everyone's camp gear in order this morning and loaded half the trailer with boxes. I ordered pizza and loaded up the cleaning stuff and headed out to the schoolhouse to help Simon who had already started sanding the basement floor.

So it turns out that there is no water. It's a well and it's not primed or something.

We start sweeping.

Suddenly: "K2 needs Mom, quickly!"

I find him heading for the toilet--no water remember?

"I think I'm going to throw up."

Let's go outside. OK, the sink is close. Phew! made it. But there's still no water and now we have a sick kid. He's happy enough curled up in one of the lawn chairs with a t-shirt for a blanket. An hour later and now the chair needs washing as does the blanket-shirt and the kid himself. I finally start for home after one more episode near the car. He sleeps the whole way. In time he settles down.....'nuff said.

As I start to change my clothes and clean up the bathroom, HBear drives up with the other two kids. She has stepped on a nail while cleaning. In her flip-flops. It seems to be a clean nail and a clean wound but she doesn't know her last tetanus. Off to emerg. she goes with her book and snacks. It's past 9pm by now.

Simon is still sanding as far as I know.

Tomorrow we go at it again.

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