Friday, June 01, 2007

You know when you read a letter from people whom you admire that makes you cry because of the intensity, the realness of their words, the inspiration? I just received such a letter. These people have done so much, have worked so hard, have continued on when their dreams got sidetracked. And they aren't done yet! they are looking ahead to what's to come. To how they can continue on in their work. It makes me cry because I know them a little but only recently and yet I can sense the passion and enthusiasm that drives them forward. It makes me cry because I feel that we gave up even though I don't think we did. It makes me cry because I am inspired. We are in the midst of something big but we can't see it. Every now we glimpse a part of it and it takes our breath away and then we keep on keeping on. This letter helps me to keep on. These people inspire me to not give up. To find a way that works. To look away from my assumptions, from how things are done, to something new and bigger than me.

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