As I work my way downstairs with the vacuum cleaner buzzing in my ears, Pieman flings himself towards the window yelling something about Tundra Swans. He's been outside stacking the never-ending woodpile. We knew that the swans were migrating and were apparently landing by the hundreds on a semi-nearby lake. It seems that they fly over our house to get there and since we have a wetlands area near our home they decided to stop over. We piled into the car and raced over to try to catch a glimpse.
We got some great pictures. We also saw lots of Canada Geese, half a dozen muskrats swmming under and around the still frozen lake and enough birds to make us feel that the wetlands were just alive with Spring! More remarkable to us since we all wished we had thought to grab our gloves and hats to combat the icy winds. Wish I had muskrat fur.
Yay for you, for having right priorities and dropping the vacuum cleaner!
Thanks. The memories we made that day are beautiful. The Tundra swans have been flying frequently overhead this week and even sometimes spending nights in the corn field so we're still enjoying them. They are beautiful!
What a gift! I guess that means our Tundras have left. We were going to go see this week. I can't think of a better reason to ditch the vaccuumming.
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