Monday, July 28, 2008

This weekend brought us into situations where we could enjoy relationships with so many friends, some of whom we haven't seen in years. It was fabulous. Three families came to our place yesterday. Sharing our home with others is exactly what we want to do so we were thrilled that it all worked out.
This week's plan? I want to work on the next stage of school planning. We will start this year when Pieman goes to Uganda and Kenya in August, that way getting a head start for when his parents come visit in September and we take time off. I would love to say at the end of this week that I am ready to start!
(Considering my day today, I'm not sure that will happen! It's been a good day. Just different from what I imagined would happen.)

A sampling of shots from around the house:

the corn behind the mailbox across the street

our chickens--not all are giving us eggs--we haven't figured out who yet

some apple mint given me by a friend last night and still unplanted

wasps building a nest in our sump pump pipe

nasturtium in the garden

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